Command: dg!ban @user
what it does: Bans the user you selected from the server
Permissions required: Ban users
Command: dg!kick @user
what it does: Kicks the user you selected from the server
Permissions required: Kick users
Command: dg!clear [no. of messages you wanna delete]
what it does: Deletes thenumber of messagesyou said from the channel[max 100 at once]
Permissions required: Delete messages
Command: dg!warn @user [reason]
what it does: Warns the user and send him a DM saying the reason
Permissions required: Admin
Command: dg!mute @user [time]
what it does: mutes the specified user for the time selected[also check the dg!mutehelp for more info]
Permissions required: Admin
Welcome Messages
Command: dg!Welcome
what it does: gives you directions on how to setup the welcome messages for the server
Permissions required: Send messages
Goodbye Messages
Command: dg!goodbye
what it does: gives you help on setting up goodbye messages in your server
Permissions required: Send messages
Mute help
Command: dg!mute help
what it does: gives you help on setting up the mute command in your server
Permissions required: Admin
Invite Doge
Command: dg!invite
what it does: send an embed with the links to invite doge to your servers[also dm's the user]
Permissions required: Send Messages