Rock Paper Scissors

Command: dg!rps [rock,paper,scissors]

what it does: Plays rock paper scissorswith you!


Command: dg!8ball [ask a question]

what it does: answers to the question you asked!


Command: dg!kill @user

what it does: kills the user you tagged in a funny way

Says something

Command: dg!say [what you want doge to say]

what it does: Doge says the message you typed

Say embed

Command: dg!say embed [what you want doge to say]

what it does: says what you typed in a neat embed!

Clapify your message

Command: dg!clap [the message you wanna clapify]

what it does: claps the message you typed

Mocks the message

Command: dg!mock [what you want doge to mock]

what it does: mock the text you typed and also adds a funny image with it!


Command: dg!invesigate

what it does: investigates the channel you sent the message for any fishy stuff(finds the last deleted message)


Command: dg!bread

what it does: try to get the longest bread among your mates!


Command: dg!flip [text you wanna flip]

what it does: flips the text you just sent

Yomama Joke

Command: dg!yomama

what it does: sends a yomama joke


Command: dg!joke

what it does: sends a funny joke


Command: dg!gif [the gif you want]

what it does: searches a gif for you on the topicyou searched for


Command: dg!advise

what it does: send an advise to make your day better!

Invite Doge

Command: dg!invite

what it does: send an embed with the links to invite doge to your servers[also dm's the user]

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