
Command: dg!serverinfo

what it does: Sends the complete info of your server!


Command: dg!profile

what it does: gives you your profiles info

Profile pic

Command: dg!pfp @user [dont mention anyone to get yours]

what it does: Shows your pfp in a big embed to your friends!

Info of the bot

Command: dg!botinfo

what it does: Gives you information about the bot!

Weather Info

Command: dg!weather [place]

what it does: Shows the weather info of the place you mentioned in a neat embed!

Covid 19 information

Command: dg!covid

what it does: Gives you a detailed report of the corona virus pandamic


Command: dg!unicode [what you want the unicode of]

what it does: gives you the unicode of the character you typed


Command: dg!invesigate

what it does: investigates the channel you sent the message for any fishy stuff(finds the last deleted message)


Command: dg!advise

what it does: send an advise to make your day better!


Command: dg!ping

what it does: gives you info on your ping!

Invite Doge

Command: dg!invite

what it does: send an embed with the links to invite doge to your servers[also dm's the user]

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