Command: dg!meme
what it does: Sends a meme from the subreddits ["memes", "dankmemes", "meirl", "me_irl"]
Command: dg!dankmeme
what it does: Sends a meme from the subreddits ["memes", "dankmemes", "meirl", "me_irl", "2meirl4meirl"]
Command: dg!spongebob
what it does: Sends a meme from the subreddit/s ["BikiniBottomTwitter"]
Discord memes
Command: dg!discordmeme
what it does: Sends a meme from the subreddit/s ["Discordmemes"]
Wholesome Memes
Command: dg!wholesome
what it does: Sends a meme from the subreddit/s ["wholesomememes"]
Command: dg!pun
what it does: Sends a meme from the subreddit/s ["puns"]
Lwiay memes
Command: dg!lwiay
what it does: Sends a meme from the subreddit/s ["pewdiepiesubmissions"]
Milk memes
Command: dg!milk
what it does: Sends a meme from the subreddit/s ["DaniDev"]
Cute memes
Command: dg!aww
what it does: Sends a meme from the subreddit/s ["aww"]
Facepalm memes
Command: dg!facepalm
what it does: Sends a meme from the subreddit/s ["facepalm"]
Deep Fried memes
Command: dg!deepfried
what it does: Sends a meme from the subreddit/s ["deepfriedmemes"]
Advise animals memes
Command: dg!animals
what it does: Sends a meme from the subreddit/s ["AdviseAnimals"]
Meme Economy memes
Command: dg!economy
what it does: Sends a meme from the subreddit/s ["MemeEconomy"]
Doge memes
Command: dg!doge
what it does: Sends a meme from the subreddit/s ["dogelore"]
Minecraft memes
Command: dg!minecraft
what it does: Sends a meme from the subreddit/s ["Minecraft"]
Invite Doge
Command: dg!invite
what it does: send an embed with the links to invite doge to your servers[also dm's the user]
Permissions required: Send Messages